Product parameter
驱动方式 | Type of power |
铅酸电池 Lead-acid battery |
驾驶方式 | Driving type | 步行式Walkie type | |
额定牵引重量 | Pated traction capacit) | Q(kg) | 20000 |
总长 | Overall length | L1(mm) | 2270 |
总宽 | Overall width | b1(mm) | 1060 |
总高 | Overall height | h11(mm) | 1235 |
牵引座高度 | Height of traction base | h10(mm) | 305/325/345 |
操作手柄高度 | Height of operating handle | b11(mm) | 1380 |
整车离地间隙 | Height of vehicle off the ground (min) | m(mm) | 118 |
蓄电池,电压/额定容量 | Battery,voltage/capacity | V/Ah | 36V/240A |
电池重量 | Weight of battery | kg | 216 |
整车重量(含电池) | Vehicle weight (including battery) | kg | 2170 |
驱动电机功率(S2-60min) | Driving Motor Power (S2-60MIN) | KW | 36V/4KW |
轮胎 | Tire | 橡胶实心轮胎 Rubber solid tire | |
轮子尺寸,前轮 | Wheel dimensions,front wheel | 3.50-5 | |
轮子尺寸,后轮 | Wheel dimensions,rear wheel | 4.00-8 | |
轮子,前后数量(x=驱动轮) | Number of wheels,front and rear(x=driving wheel) | 2/2x | |
后轮轮距 | Rear wheel track | b10(mm) | 907 |
轴距 | Wheelbase | y(mm) | 1060 |
转弯半径 | Turn radius | Wa(mm) | 1370 |
轴负载,空载前/后 | Axle full load,/no load front/rear | kg | 443/1727 |
行驶速度,满载/空载 | Driving speed,full load/no load | Km/h | 2.5/4.0 |
爬坡能力,满载/空载(S2-5min) | Maximum climb,full load/no load (S2-5MIN) | 9% | 2.0/12.0 |
制动方式 | Braking type | 电磁制动Electromagnetic brake |
The companyreserves the right to change product design andspecifications.Parameters are subject to change without prior notice